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Jen Kingwell Quilt Recipes Block of the Month Membership for Daylesford Quilt 2024 BOM

Jen Kingwell Block of the Month Membership for Daylesford Quilt 

Meeting Dates: 

January 18

March 14

May 16

July 18

September 19

November 21

We meet every other month on the 3rd Thursday or 3rd Saturday.

Thursday Meeting Times:

Session 1:  10:30 a.m. - Noon

Session 2:   1:30 - 5:00 p.m.

Session 3:   5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Saturday Stay & Sew:

9:30a.m. - 3:30p.m.

Saturday is a come and go or stay and sew. Bring a machine to sew, or audition fabric to cut your next pieces.

Meeting times will be about an hour each time. Thursday Session 2 will have Stay & Sew time. Bring a machine to use in the afternoon.

Summer Optional Retreat:

Quilt Recipe Jen Kingwell BOM 

July 17 - 20, 2024

Wed. - Sat. (4 Day, 3 Night)

Overnight Retreat - $175

Catered Lunch Option - $60 

Non Overnight Retreat - $100

Bedding provided, 1st and 2nd floor bedrooms. Sewing studio on ground floor. 6-8ft table provided. More details available call the shop 620-440-8191.

This block of the month (BOM) is set up as a sew along style. There are 11 unique components to this log cabin inspired quilt. There will be several aspects to this quilt that will stretch your quilting skills. There is room for improvisation in this quilt. The fabric kits for this are available as a one time fabric kit purchase. You will need the book “Quilt Recipes”.  The six meeting dates will be in person and also available as a recorded video to watch if you are unable to come in person or want to watch the technique content again.

How To Sign Up:

Purchase Jen Kingwell BOM Membership - $90

Purchase Fabric Kit

Quilt Recipes Book: 

PREORDER Book “Quilt Recipes” 

    Block of the month priced at $44.00  (Book MSRP is $56 MSRP)

    Book Delivery Expected January 25-30, 2024

Jen Kingwell BOM Membership - $90 

Sign up for the year of classes and instruction is $90 for the full year of classes, extra tidbits and sprinkles of joy. The technique taught at each session will be available on YouTube to Group members to view. We will have six meetings and one optional retreat. Retreat is priced separately from membership.

2 Fabric Kit Color Options:

Greenstone by Jen Kingwell (Jan Brody) $127.99 (8 yds of fabric, 16 Half Yard Cuts, Australian Fat ?s)

Winter Lavender by Kaffe Fassett Collective (Annarose $127.99 (8 yds of fabric 32 pieces of ¼ yd or FQs)

*Shipping for Books and/or Fabric Kits will be $7 - $10 Estimated Shipping Domestic US

Summer Retreat Details: July 17 - 20, 2024:

Wednesday - Welcome to Retreat 10am 

Thursday - All Sessions can meet at The Hive, how to “finish” the Daylesford

Friday -  English Paper Piecing project(s) from Quilt Recipe Book

Saturday -  Foundation Paper Piecing project(s) from Quilt Recipe Book, Retire 6pm

*Catered Lunch Option - $60 will have all four lunch meals catered in, specific dietary needs not recommended



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Contact Us
  • Ph: 620-440-8191
  • Email:
  • Address:    122 N. Washington Ave.
  •                    Wellington, KS 67152
  • Hours:  Monday - Friday 10 AM to 6 PM
  •               Thursday open till 7 PM
  •              Saturdays  9 AM to 4 PM
  •               Sundays   Closed